Trade and private sector

Feasibility Study on support to Business Incubators in Eastern and Southern Africa

Location: Zambia , Zambia, Lesotho, Somalia, Ethiopia, Angola & Madagascar

The main objective of this project is to support entrepreneurship and the creation of start-ups, decent jobs and inclusive and sustainable growth in the Southern & Eastern Africa region, more specifically through conducting a feasibility study on supporting the establishment or consolidation of business incubators in six partner countries:  Angola, Lesotho, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Zambia and Somalia. This feasibility study should assist the EU in structuring and formulating its intervention modality and funding instruments towards incubators and selected value chains in the six countries.

A team of six consultant is mobilized to carry out the following activities:
1. Analyzing the local context and assessing the local conditions for setting up a (or supporting an existing) business incubator in each of the six partner countries;
2. Providing detailed recommendations for each potential business incubator 
3. Providing detailed recommendations for each business incubator in terms of implementing partner(s), implementation modalities, project duration, budget, sustainability, results and monitoring framework to help the EU structure its support modality.

About project

Year of award


End date


Funding agency

European Union

Country of implementation


Member of consortium

COWI Belgium