The aim of DRIN project was, on one hand, (i) to support reduction of socio-economic disparities between rural and urban areas; and secondly, (ii) contribute to the implementation of national decentralization policies and the promotion of integrated local development in the North. More specifically, this project was intended to lead to a sustainable improvement of the living conditions and incomes of the rural populations of the province of Al Hoceima, by supporting participatory and inclusive local development dynamics, strengthening the role and capacities of the actors, the development of local economy (including support for job creation), social development, the preservation and enhancement of ecosystems. The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the EU Delegation in Morocco, interested stakeholders, including the Government and other international partners, and the wider public:
a comprehensive and independent analysis of the performance of the DRIN project, paying particular attention to its results, with regard to the objectives set;
Lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations, so as to improve, where appropriate, current and future budget support programs.
The evaluation analyzed the project according to the five DAC evaluation criteria, namely: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact + two EU criteria: EU added value and coherence of the Action. The full team included 3 experts and the project has been implemented over 6 months.