Ensure regular monitoring of the implementation of the program "Support for social protection in Morocco";
Check the conditions and measures relating to the disbursement of the different tranches of the program budget support.
Support the sectoral dialogue in place with all stakeholders in the sector (Moroccan institutions and donors).
In total, 5 biannual monitoring missions are taking place. On the basis of documentary analyzes of supporting documents, interviews with stakeholders, it examines the following aspects:
Analysis of the update of the analysis of the progress of the reform, in particular on the stages to develop the strategic framework of social protection as well as the difficulties encountered within the framework of its implementation
Reasoned assessment on the implementation, during the last six months, of the EU support program for the government program, on the basis of the Financing Agreement signed between the European Commission and the Moroccan Government
Assessment of the institutional framework and capacities;
Analysis of intersectoral coordination put in place by the government, paying particular attention to the national coordination mechanisms between the government and non-state actors as well as to the methods of donor coordination.
Description of the budgets of the social sectors and of the support fund for social cohesion;
Analysis of the quality of the sectoral dialogue in place with all stakeholders in the sector (Moroccan institutions and donors)
Formulation of relevant and feasible technical and operational recommendations
For each monitoring mission, a checklist is provided, as well as a monitoring report incorporating all the documents justifying the achievement of the results.