The update of Mali's Environmental Profile should identify environmental issues that need to be taken into account in the preparation of the EU Strategy Paper for Mali. This Environmental Profile identifies the major links between environment, climate change and poverty reduction. It brings together basic information and should help to target political dialogue and cooperation with Mali on key issues such as sustainable development or environmental awareness of policy makers. This study had specific objectives:
to take stock of the consideration of the recommendations formulated in the 2006 Mali’s environmental profile and the 2014 update;
to propose an enriched document that serves as a reference for the environment and the protection of natural resources. This document provides clear and accurate information on major environmental issues, policies, plans, strategies and programs that affect them. The study identifies key links between the environment, poverty reduction, food security, civil security and human security / conflict risk. It analyzes issues related to sustainable development, the green economy and climate change issues ;
To provide information to enable the EU to take environmental considerations into account throughout its programming and project identification process. This information should also help national decision-makers to introduce environmental standards in all of their development activities ;
to provide information on the pollution situation in Bamako, particularly the pollution of water resources, the pollution of the Niger River upstream and downstream of Bamako, air pollution and pollution from solid waste and domestic discharges.
The full team included 2 experts and the project has been implemented over 1 year.