The Global objective of the project is to support UA authorities in the improvement of their strategic reference framework on IBM and the EU Delegation with the identification and formulation of a possible EU funded IBM support programme.
The Specific objectives are:
Analysis of state of play of IBM capability, co-operation, and implementation in Ukraine;
Identification of possible gaps against the benchmark of EuropeAid 2009 IBM Guidelines and international and European best practices;
Recommendations for a revision of the Ukrainian IBM Strategy and IBM Action Plan;
Drafting of EU programme documents for a comprehensive IBM project in Ukraine.
Services provided with a team of 4 experts:
Assessment of IBM state of play and identification of possible gaps against the benchmark of EuropeAid 2009 IBM Guidelines and international and European best practice;
Recommendations for a revision of the Ukrainian IBM Strategy and Action Plan;
Drafting of an Action Document for a comprehensive IBM support project;