Budget support, public finance

Rural development, agriculture and food safety

European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia - Phase II (ENPARD) Review mission for the 11st Tranche of Budget Support

Location: Georgia

The overall objective
ENPARD II aims to promote the development of effective and sustainable agriculture and rural development policies and reforms and improves the delivery of related services to help address basic needs of the rural population In doing so, ENPARD assists the Government of Georgia in eradicating poverty, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth, and consolidating/improving democratic and economic governance.
The specific objective
ENPARD II has the following three result areas
  • Enhancement of competitiveness and sustainability in the agriculture sector
  • Improvement of SPS, food safety and food quality standards and procedures for inspection and control
  • Improvement of employment and living conditions in the rural areas through the diversification of the rural economy
The objective of the assignment is to provide an independent and detailed review of the Government’s fulfilment of the conditions for disbursement linked to the first tranche of the ENPARD II budget support component.

About project

Year of award


End date


Funding agency

European Union

Country of implementation


Member of consortium