Environment and climate change

Identification and Formulation of an ACP-EU Climate Services (and related applications) Programme

Location: Belgium , ACP Countries

The Global objective of this assignment was to support the European Commission and ACP Secretariat in the identification and formulation of an Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme to be included in the 2017 Annual Action Plan under the intra-ACP 11thEDF. Indeed, while the use of climate information and forecasts is growing rapidly worldwide, many developing countries still lack the infrastructural, technical, human and institutional capacities to provide high quality climate services.
The Specific objectives of this assignment were: 
  • Prepare a detailed options report providing a context and sector assessment including an analysis of the sector, the regional context and stakeholders, lessons learned and complementarities/synergies with other relevant programmes, as well as a list and description of potential options for an Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme along with the justification of the proposed options. 
  • Support in the identification of Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme, including the preparation of the Initial Action Document. 
  • Support in the formulation of the Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme, including the preparation of an Action Document as well as all annexes including the Logframe matrix 

The full team included 2 experts and the project has been implemented over 10 months.

About project

Year of award


End date


Funding agency

European Commission

Country of implementation


Member of consortium

Particip GmBH